In this study, the relationship between teachers' workload and work-life balance was examined. The research, which was designed with the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was carried out in the province of Ankara in the 2020-2021 academic year. Two different data sets were collected in the study. The first is the study group consisting of 30 teachers working in public primary and secondary schools in the Yenimahalle district of Ankara. The second is the sample consisting of 436 teachers working in public primary and secondary schools in nine central districts of Ankara. Data were collected using a questionnaire and two scales. Excel and SPSS were used in the data analysis. The total average weekly time allocated by the classroom teachers working in public primary schools for the specified tasks was found to be 38 hours, and the branch teachers working in public secondary schools were found to be 30.9 hours. There are statistically significant relationships between teachers' perceptions of workload and work-life balance scores. As the workload of teachers increases, their work-life balance levels decrease, or as their workload decreases, their work-life balance levels increase.
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