1. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Tokat
This study aimed to examine the effect of coding and 3D design education given within the scope of Producing with IT Project Pilot Scheme on 5th-grade students' problem-solving skills and attitudes towards coding. The research was carried out using the mixed method in which both quantitative and qualitative data were used together. The quantitative part of the research was conducted with 130 5th-grade students at Tokat Fevzi Çakmak Secondary School, one of the 150 schools selected for Producing with IT Project Pilot Scheme across Turkey by the Ministry of National Education. On the other hand, the qualitative part of the research was carried out with 10 5th-grade students who were studying at the same school and participated in the experimental process. In the research, data were collected before and after the 36-week training period within the scope of the Producing with IT Project Pilot Scheme in the 2019-2020 academic year. In addition, the views of the students about the training were analyzed in depth through the semi-structured interviews carried out. As a result of the research, it was found that the problem-solving skills of the students statistically increased. However, there was no statistical difference in their attitudes towards coding. Hereunder, it was concluded that Producing with IT Project Pilot Scheme improved the problem-solving skills of the 5th-grade students positively yet there was no statistical increase in their attitudes towards coding. As a result of the interviews, it was revealed that the coding and 3D design training given within the scope of Producing with IT Project Pilot Scheme developed the problem-solving and algorithmic thinking skills of the students, changed their prejudices about coding and 3D design in a positive way, and gave the students the idea of creating designs or software that will be beneficial for people in their future lives. Accordingly, it was revealed that Producing with IT Project Pilot Scheme had positive effects on students and contributed to them positively.
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