As they provide a fresh perspective to comprehend a difficult topic, metaphors can be seen as interpretive communication tools. The objective of this study was to examine, via a metaphorical analysis, how pre-service EFL teachers view the ideas about technology and Web 2.0 tools. 97 students from a state university's department of ELT participated in the study throughout the 2022–2023 academic year. Because it describes the current condition, the study is descriptive. As a data collection instrument, a metaphor elicitation sheet including two prompts “Technology is (like)……. because ……and Web 2.0 tools are (like)…… because……….” was utilized to get the data. A qualitative data study design was employed to examine the data. The phenomenological research design was adopted in this current study. The procedures for the data analysis were the naming/labeling stage, sorting stage, categorizing stage, determining the inter-rater reliability ratio, and analyzing the data quantitatively. In order to ensure inter-reliability, the two faculty members were asked to review the accuracy of the metaphors. The results indicated that pre-service EFL teachers had positive and negative metaphors for technology and Web 2.0 technologies.
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