Chronic Inhalation Study Findings as a Basis for Proposing a New Occupational Dust Exposure Limit


Morrow P. E.1,Muhle H.2,Mermelstein R.3


1. Environmental Health Science Center, Department of Biophysics, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.

2. Fraunhofer-lnstitut für Toxikologie, und Aerosolforschung, Hannover, West Germany.

3. Corporate Environmental Health and Safety, Xerox Corporation, Webster, New York.


This article briefly reviews the history of the current threshold limit value and the permissible exposure limit for occupational dusts derived originally from the Nuisance Dust standard. Chronic inhalation studies of appropriate design are described in terms of their key findings and potential impact on the dust standards, especially modern, experimental studies which have been affected by the problem of dust overloading. Many studies show that dust overloading produces a significant and progressive retardation of macrophage-mediated dust removal leading to various dysfunctional and pathologic changes which confound the interpretation of chronic toxicity study findings. Assuming that there may be a human counterpart to this condition at the same milligram dust per gram lung concentration, extrapolation modeling can be used to show that the current occupational dust limits do not protect worker lungs from this eventuality. Several bases for substantially reducing the current occupational standards are discussed.


SAGE Publications



Reference58 articles.

1. 1. NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAM. (1984). General State of Work for the Conduct of Acute, Fourteen-Day Repeated Dose, 90-day Subchronic and 2-Year Chronic Studies in Laboratory Animals. Washington, DC: Department of Health and Human Services, p. 167.

2. The Setting of Particulate Exposure Levels for Chronic Inhalation Toxicity Studies

3. Chronic Inhalation Toxicity Studies: Protocols and Pitfalls

4. 7. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Vol. 9. (1984). M.E. LaNier, ed. Threshold Limit Values—Discussion and Thirty-five Year Index with Recommendations. Cincinnati, OH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, p. 529.

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