1. Ambekar, A. (2012). Association of drug user pattern with vulnerability and service uptake among injecting drug users: Project HIFAZAT: Strengthen the capacity, reach and quality of IDU harm reduction services. New Delhi, India: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime –Regional Office for South Asia. (Supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria –Round-9 India HIV-IDU Grant No. IDA-910-G21-H with Emmanuel Hospital Association as Principal Recipient)
2. Azim, T., Chowdhury, E. I., Alam, M. S. & Reza, M. (2010). Female drug users and female regular sex partners of male drug users in Bangladesh—A report. New Delhi, India: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime –Regional Office for South Asia.
3. Neighborhood Disadvantage, Stress, and Drug Use among Adults
4. The gendered context of initiation to injecting drug use: evidence for women as active initiates
5. Income generating activities of people who inject drugs