1. 1. C. P. Stewart and A. Stolman (eds.), Toxicology-Mechanisms andAnalytica1 Methods, Vols. I and 11, Academic Press, New York, 1960.
2. 2. T. A. Gonzales, M. Vance, M. Helpern, and C. J. Umberger, Legal Medicine, Pathology and Toxicology, Appleton, New York, 1954.
3. 3. J. Glaister, Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1945.
4. 4. C. Thienes, Clinical TodcoZogy, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1955.
5. 5. F. D. Snell and C. T. Snell, Colorimetric Methods of Analysis, Vols. 11-IV, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N.J., 1948-1954.