1. Goodnow R. A. Department of Chemistry, Princeton Univeristy, Princeton, N. J., 08544
2. The numbers 343 refer to the number and order of methylene groups separating each nitrogen in the polyamine group, Thus,NH(CH2)3NH(CH2)4NH(CH2)3NH2 is represented by -343
3. , Abbreviations: NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate; PC: phosphatidyl choline; PA: phosphatide acid; NOE: nuclear Overhauser effect; TRNOE: transfer nuclear Overhauser effect; BES: N,N-bis[2-hydroxyethyl]-2-aminoethansulfonic acid; DSS: (Trimethylsilyl)propionic acid, sodium salt
4. Structure and synthesis of a potent glutamate receptor antagonist in wasp venom.
5. Mitochondria in the body wall of life cycle stages of lung flukes of the genus Paragonimus, and mitochondrial cytochrome components of the adult worm