Background: Eyelid tumors are common in the daily practice of skin tumors and are composed of benign and malignant lesions. Methods: This retrospective case series study collected histopathologic reports of eyelid tumors of patients treated between 2022 and 2023 in Razi and Farabi hospitals (Tehran, Iran). Patient data, including patient age, sex, location of the lesion, and recurrence, were collected. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to characterize the subgroups. Results: The sample was composed of 154 eyelid tumor specimens, including 72 (47%) malignant cases, 80 (52%) benign cases, and 2 (1%) premalignant cases. Malignant tumors included 81.9% basal cell carcinomas (BCC), 15.3% basosquamous cell carcinomas (BSC), and 1.4% squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The benign eyelid lesions were comprised of 20% intradermal melanocytic nevus, 11.3% epidermal cyst, 7.6% dermoid cyst, 10% seborrheic keratosis, 6.3% xanthelasma, 2.5% wart, 3.8% compound nevus, 5% fibroconnective tissue, 3.8% squamous papilloma, 3.8% neurofibroma, 2.5% comedone,2.5% apocrine hidrocystoma, 2.5% foreign body type granuloma, and 1.3% of others (arteriovenous hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma, cutaneous horn, etc.) The premalignant lesions were 2 cases of actinic keratosis. Benign lesions had an equal frequency of occurrence in the upper and lower lids. Malignant lesions were seen more in the lower lid. Premalignant lesions were seen in the lower lid. The mean age at diagnosis was 45.8 ± 23.06 years for patients with benign lesions and 63.5 ± 16.7 years for patients with malignant lesions. The mean age for patients with premalignant lesions was 81.5 ± 9.19 years (P < 0.001). Conclusions: In our study, benign lesions were seen predominantly in young persons and malignant lesions were mostly seen in elderly persons. There is an equal occurrence of malignant lesions in males and females, and recurrence after excision was infrequent.