1. Krakowskie Przedmieície 26/28 Instytut Historyczny Uniwersitetu Warszwskiego PL-00927 Warszawa
2. Uniwewrsytet Warszawski Instytut Historyczny ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28 PL-00927 Warszawa
3. Lehrstuhl für Osteuropäische Geschichte Historisches Institut der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Fürstengraben 13 D-07743 Jena
Hidden Paths within Socialism. Introduction «Hidden Paths within Socialism» were used by ordinary citizens, especially by tourists and workers from the socialist «brother states». Borders within the socialist bloc were semi-open. The states tried, however, to control and regulate transnational contacts. They foundered time and time again on the «self-assertion» of their own and foreign citizens, who opened up informal areas of freedom. These were based on their wants and withstood the regulating rage. This journal examines the predominantly apolitical, everyday contacts in the GDR, Poland, ČSSR and Hungary between the mid-1950s and 1989.
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2 articles.