
Dubino A.1,Per'kova M.21


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

2. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University


Due to the acute problem of climate change around the world and the current environmental awareness of global communities, rainwater is beginning to be seen not as a waste product that requires a large investment, but as a valuable and necessary resource for cities. This study provides an analysis of the world's experience in storm water management and its impact on the urban environment. The authors consider new approaches to storm water management, based on the fact that storm water is a resource with social, environmental, and economic opportunities. It is revealed that storm water management is aimed to eliminate the negative consequences for the environment and humans due to illiterate management of surface runoff. The article provides some examples of how storm water management affects the protection of cities and settlements from flooding, has a positive impact on water quality management, and significantly contributes to improving the aesthetic appeal of the urban environment. The authors have identified the need to expand the use of water-saving design technologies in the urban planning practice of cities and settlements in Russia. Also, the need to develop measures to ensure environmental safety and educate the ecological consciousness of urban residents was revealed.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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