
Romanov Leonid1,Pogodina Svetlana1,Kryukov Oleg1


1. TSN-Electro LLC


A comprehensive analysis of the data on the technical accounting of the functioning of electrical relay protection complexes in the unified national electric power grid of Russia is presented, thanks to which the main types, causes and patterns of incorrect and emergency operation of the entire range of protections are established. An approach to the potential transition to servicing industrial electric power facilities based on the use of the entire set of relay protection functionality to solve the problems of automating maintenance procedures on a new hardware and methodological basis is proposed. Optimal criteria for evaluating the operability of electrical relay protection complexes and automation of digital transformer substations are formulated, which additionally take into account the influence of completeness and reliability of electrical information on the condition of protected electrical equipment affecting the quality of protection. It is shown that the organization of maintenance of electrical equipment by means of relay protection and automation according to the actual condition at an energy facility with a developed system of automated information collection and processing is a natural step of transformation in the electric power industry. The analysis of the relevance of the current technology of maintenance and repair of electrical equipment showed a significant reduction in the impact on the functional groups of measurement, information environment and receiving modules of electrical relay protection complexes and automation of digital substations.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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