
Bazykin Denis1,Ilyichev Vitaliy1


1. Voronezh State Technical University


The relevance of the research is to develop an autonomous power source based on a closed organic Rankine cycle with the simultaneous use of the Ranque-Hilsch vortex effect, which can be used for the efficient generation of electrical energy at mining, transportation, preparation and processing facilities various gases, including at industrial sites located in hard-to-reach areas, significantly removed from the centralized power supply, as well as in areas with harsh climatic conditions. The article discusses the main positive characteristics and disadvantages of existing autonomous power plants used in this industry, as well as the design and operating principle of the developed autonomous power supply, the use of which will significantly reduce environmental pollution due to the lack of use of combustion products in the technological cycle, thereby increasing the environmental friendliness of the process of generating electrical energy, minimizing the economic costs of fuel and maintenance, as well as increasing the fire and explosion safety of the mentioned objects, a design option for an autonomous power supply, including a thermoelectric generator module, has also been considered.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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