
Sekretarev Yury1,Myatezh Tatyana1,Volosatov Roman1


1. Novosibirsk State Technical University


The purpose of this article is to solve the multicriteria problem of optimizing the operation of hydroelectric power stations based on the selection of the optimal activities of the water-chemical complex (water management complex). The work has developed a universal methodology that combines the optimization method and the theory of marginal utility assessment. The proposed approach is based on the construction and analysis of a matrix of contradictions between participants in the water management complex and the use as the main criterion of the minimum deviation of the actual volume of water consumption (consumption) by participants in the water-chemical complex from its optimal value. The work also analyzes the conflicting interests of the water and chemical complex participants by comparing the requirements for issuing guaranteed power of hydroelectric power plants and ensuring guaranteed navigation depths as the most significant participants in the water-energy complex based on the use of Pareto optimization - the optimal set. Using the example of the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station and water-chemical complex, it is expected to obtain an assessment of the economic effect from the implementation of the proposed criterion and the developed methodology for optimizing the water-chemical complex. Based on the results of implementing the developed approach at the Novosibirsk HPP, it was possible to find the optimal regime for managing the capacity of the HPP reservoir and achieve an increase in the level of the upper and lower pools.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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