
Koshlich Yu.1,Trubaev P.1,Bulanin Aleksei2,Buhanov D.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

2. Energy Saving Center of the Belgorod Region


Developed and in operation since 2019, the information and analytical Energy Resources Management System of the Belgorod Region (ERMS) ensures the digitalization of processes related to the provision of measures to improve energy efficiency related to the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. The SEER uses methods for assessing the energy efficiency of large geographically distributed consumers of utility resources based on an individual analysis of the characteristics and heat consumption of individual buildings. Currently, the SEER includes information for 2,144 municipal and regional institutions in the Belgorod region, which operate in 5,332 buildings. Costs for energy resources and water in 2023 in these institutions amounted to 4.8 billion rubles; over the five years of operation of the SUER, they decreased by 8% under comparable conditions. Based on SEER data, the total savings potential that can be achieved in regional and municipal institutions of the Belgorod region is 14.3% of annual costs for energy resources and water, including 0.8% from organizational activities and 13.5% from technical measures with an average payback period of 6 years. During 2021–2024, pilot projects for the implementation of SEMS were implemented in 9 Russian regions and one organization, which showed savings potential ranging from 4.4 to 29.5%.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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