Analysis of the maximum length of the working blades of steam turbines


Bogomolova Tatyana1


1. National Research University "MPEI"


The estimation of the most effective length of the working blade of the last stage of a powerful turbine is made in terms of obtaining its maximum efficiency and ensuring reliability in the design mode. When solving this problem, a method was used to calculate the axisymmetric steam flow in the flow part of the turbine stage as an inviscid single-phase working fluid was used, and energy losses were calculated according to the semiempirical MPEI method. The characteristics of stages with different lengths of working blades are presented and the results of their calculation on the nominal mode are given. It is shown that the choice of the maximum length of the working blade is limited not only by its strength characteristics, but also by the growth of wave losses in the gratings due to an increase in the optimal available heat drop H0, or rather the associated increase in supersonic velocities near the meridional contours. So for a high-speed turbine To-1200-6,8/50 the maximum efficiency of the last stage is achieved with a length of 1400 mm, both when the turbine is configured with three two-flow CND, and with four.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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