
Grigorenko A.1,Duyun T.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The article demonstrate the technique for modeling the form of natural oscillations, as well as the amplitude and mode of forced oscillations of the HAAS VF-1 vertical milling machine. As initial data, a publicly available 3D model of load-bearing elements, information on the mass and dimensions of the spindle motor are used. In preparation for the simulation, the original solid model is idealized by removing small chamfers, fillets, and small diameter holes. Movable joints with linear rolling guides and ball bearings are replaced by rigid joints, since vibration damping in these units is not considered. During the first simulation, ten natural frequencies with the largest values of the oscillation amplitude are obtained. The second simulation shows, the influence of the spindle drive layout (coaxial installation of the electric motor with the spindle through a cam clutch or connection using a toothed belt transmission) and additional devices for dissipating vibration energy (mass and structural dampers in the form of structural elements articulated through plastic bushings) is revealed by the magnitude of forced steady-state oscillations that may occur during the processing of the part.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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