
Supranovich V.1


1. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The article presents the materials of the research “Features of urban placement of existing waste sorting and waste processing facilities in Russia”. The data of a comprehensive analysis of the historical stages of waste management in the country and, as a result, the formation of a practice for the creation of waste management facilities are presented. The existing objects of waste incineration plants, as well as waste processing complexes, which are expected to be built throughout the country in the future, are studied. The analysis of town-planning characteristics of domestic productions is carried out. Graphic schemes for the placement of waste management facilities have been developed in accordance with the profile of the enterprise (incineration or sorting-processing). The features of their location are revealed: the isolation of enterprises, regardless of the location (inside or outside the city boundaries), the dependence of areal characteristics and the shape of the site on the purpose of production, the compositional solution of the general plan of the territory and the organization of transport accessibility of objects. An assessment is given of the further development of waste sorting and waste processing enterprises in Russia, taking into account global trends in the development of "sustainable architecture" of industrial buildings. The data are published based on the results of the research work “Principles of urban planning and architectural and planning organization of waste sorting and waste processing facilities in Russia”, as part of the competition for grants for research work by scientific and pedagogical workers of SPbGASU in 2023.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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