
Mokrova M.1,Sardarova S.2


1. St. Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

2. Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction


The article discusses the results of research on the use of modifying additives in gypsum binder. Regulation of the structure and, therefore, the properties of gypsum stone can be carried out using small quantities of highly active additives that can effectively influence the formation of the structure of gypsum stone, and, consequently, its characteristics. Using functional modifying additives in small quantities, which practically do not affect the cost of the material, and using them to control the composition of gypsum binders, it is possible to obtain effective decorative and finishing gypsum products with improved characteristics. The work studied the effect of polyvinyl acetate additives together with synthetic polypropylene fiber on the properties of gypsum stone products. A comparison of the physical and mechanical characteristics of modified gypsum composites is presented, and the advantages of introducing fiber are revealed. By covering the pores and capillaries of gypsum stone with fiber fibers, the formation of shrinkage microcracks is significantly reduced, crack resistance increases, and strength characteristics increase. It has been established that modification of gypsum stone with polyvinyl acetate together with synthetic fibers helps to improve the physical and mechanical characteristics of gypsum stone. The developed compositions of decorative and finishing gypsum tiles using the additions of polyvinyl acetate and polypropylene fiber make it possible to obtain gypsum finishing materials products with improved characteristics, which demonstrates their increased efficiency as a modern finishing material and opens up broad prospects for use in housing and civil construction.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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