
Il'ina T.1,Uvarov V.1,Kolesnikov M.1,Evraev D.1,Kretova V.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


Recuperators including heat exchangers of various types are considered. The prospects of using pipe-in-pipe heat exchangers for the utilization of thermal emissions containing significant amounts of moisture and gas emissions, for example, ammonia, which is typical for livestock complexes, are shown. When heat carriers come into contact with different temperatures, moisture vapors condense on the walls of the heat exchanger and gaseous ammonia dissolves in it. The removed air is supplied to the inner pipe, condensate in the form of ammonia water is removed at the bottom of the installation, and the cooled and purified air is discharged through the upper branch pipe into the atmosphere. Based on the theory of similarity, a model setup has been developed. With the help of the SolidWorks Flow Simulation software package, the influence of hydrodynamic and thermophysical properties of heat carriers on heat and mass transfer processes was studied. The temperatures of the cold coolant ranged from -5 to -23 ° C, (outside air), the temperature of the thermal coolant (exhaust air) is +25 ° C. It was found that in order to avoid freezing of the inner surface of the heat exchanger, the temperature of the air supplied to the outer pipeline should be above -10 ° C. To increase the heat transfer coefficient, it is advisable to supply heat carriers tangentially. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain the same coolant velocities in the supply and exhaust connection pipes of the installation. To increase the energy efficiency of the installation, it is recommended to develop and improve methods for turbulizing coolant flows.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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