Improving the performance of adjustable mechanisms by example gas distribution systems for KAMAZ engines.


Pegachkov A.1


1. The Moscow State Technical University - MADI


This article deals with issues related to increasing the performance potential of adjustable mecha-nisms, using the gas distribution system of KAMAZ 740.735 engine. At the same time, the main task is to optimize the technological process for the manufacturing the gas distribution mechanism, in order to increase the performance potential, for which a generalized “time- flow section” indicator is introduced, the parameters of which are studied experimentally, with further analysis and calculation of experimental data using the STATISTICA DOE software . As a result of the studies, it was decided to investigate the state of the selected gas distribution system during the operation period (before the 1-st maintenance), which will be able to increase the reliability of assessing the potential performance of selected gas distribu-tion mechanism.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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