1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
The presented article describes the technology of topological optimization. The main methods of topological optimization are also described: ESO/BESO; SIMP-method; ESO-Simp-method; Level-Set-method. Each of the methods has its advantages, but they have common disadvantages, namely: the problem of the "chessboard" and the dependence on grid partitioning. Topological optimization allows you to reduce the weight of the product, while maintaining the strength characteristics. Based on the product obtained after optimization, its production technologies were considered. These include traditional technologies (casting, stamping, milling, etc.) and additive manufacturing technologies. Software with topological optimization functionality was presented and described. These are mainly commercial CAD/CAE systems (OptiStruct, Simulia Tosca, ANSYS and MSC Nastran). The main industries that use the method of topological optimization are the aerospace industry, mechanical engineering, medicine, robotics and others. In this paper, we consider the process of reducing the weight of a robotic cell trolley using the SIMP (Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization) method, on which a robotic arm is attached. The functionality of the CAD/CAM/CAE-system NX from Siemens PLM Software was used for the topological optimization of the robotic cell trolley. Generalizing conclusions are made that topological optimization makes it possible to obtain geometric shapes of a product with a minimum mass while maintaining strength and rigidity.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology
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