1. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Architectural environment - a space that includes architectural objects (buildings, structures), small architectural forms, the connecting elements of infrastructure between them (passages, sidewalks, squares). Specialists in various fields: urban planners, architects, artists, restorers form their own image of the architectural environment. However, the creation of a unified harmony in the development of facade solutions, elements of the planning structure, the integration of ideas into the existing environment is possible by combining the interests of specialists competent in architectural and urban development.
The article presents the material about the proposed principle of architectural and town-planning education not only for the specialists in town planning and architecture, but also for the professionals of related professions, whose joint activity forms the architectural environment surrounding us.
The educational process is formed by means of introduction of architectural and urban planning disciplines in general, professional, additional education and integration of co-creative design in the educational process of specialized architectural and construction educational institutions of professional and additional education.
The result of the material is the development of hypothetical models of educational approach. The controlling apparatus responsible for the reorganization of the educational process, consisting of state and municipal authorities, is formed. Approbation on the example of the municipality "the city of Lyudinovo and Lyudinovo district" is presented. Kaluga Oblast. The town of Lyudinovo is a small town with a population of less than 40 thousand people.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology
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