
Zhdanova I.1,Kalinkina N.1,Kuznecova A.1


1. Samara State Technical University


This study actualizes the need for a fundamentally new museum space for the conditions of modern society thanks to multimedia technologies. In connection with the emergence of digital opportunities that allow not only to popularize museums, but also to create new enlightening and educational spaces, it has become necessary to transform the museum environment as a whole. The issue of the introduction of multimedia technologies in museums, and, subsequently, the formation of a new space-planning structure, is currently relevant, as it reflects the changing requirements put forward by modern society, which in turn is confirmed by a significant number of new implemented objects equipped with digital technologies. On the example of the world experience in designing and building modern museums, the distinctive features that meet modern requirements are highlighted: the multifunctionality of the object with an emphasis on the entertainment function, the use of interactive multimedia technologies, the introduction of open indoor and outdoor spaces for recreation and communication, as well as taking into account the requirements of people with limited mobility and the introduction energy efficient devices. Approaches are generalized and types of premises are specified by groups. The principles of designing modern museums to enhance the significance are formulated: the principle of society, the principle of significance, the principle of composition, the principle of efficiency. Also, an experimental project of the museum in Samara was developed, which confirmed the relevance and prospects for the introduction of multimedia technologies in museums.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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