
Zakieva L.1


1. Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering


The primary task of our work is to determine the distribution and functioning of healthcare facilities in the planning structure of large cities in domestic and foreign practice. Domestic experience is present in cities which are characterized by introducing reforms in the health system: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Tomsk, Perm. We studied the features of the distribution of healthcare facilities in cities which are characterized by an active policy of reforming the health care system: Singapore, Hong Kong, Great Britain, Germany, Israel. The research have been conducted on the basis of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis and systematization of data identified from literary, graphic and Internet resources. As a result of analysis the spatial placement of the components the healthcare facilities we have been compiled the heat maps, which demonstrating the features of placement in the planning structure of cities. We have been analyzing a land plots of healthcare facilities to identify the compliance to the current regulatory documents and to determine the density of development depending on the location in the structure of the city. We have been carrying out a comparative analysis of the domestic and foreign experience of the spatial distribution of healthcare facilities. As a result, we have been identified two forms of spatial organization of healthcare facilities: point-based «network» and interconnected and functionally dependent organizations concentrated on a local territory the «medical clusters» – one of the most important trends of health care system


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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