1. Southern Federal University, Academy of architecture and arts
The 1960-1980s is the time for the development of the wide architectural and construction practice of the Soviet Union of the techniques and methods of world modernism, the adaptation of world experience to the special socio-economic and political circumstances of the country. The public and shopping center on Kalinin Avenue in Moscow is one of the demonstrative experiments in Soviet architecture. It illustrates the functional-typological and spatial-planning findings of XX century architecture, demonstrates the attitude of modernism to the historical urban environment and at the same time fully meets the image of modernity in architecture. It shows the relationship of modernism to the historical urban environment. This ensemble has become an example to be repeated in many cities of the country, including in the South of Russia. The article is devoted to the architecture of the Krasnodar Book House and the Shopping Gallery on Navaginskaya Street in Sochi. They are considered as unique examples of the organization of an extended citywide public and shopping center. The author has carried out a comparative analysis of objects in the context of world and domestic trends in the formation of a functional-spatial type, identified space-planning and formal techniques of modernism in their architecture. On the basis of the conducted field surveys, photographs, study of literature, historical graphic and photographic materials, the now lost original appearance of the objects is restored. Despite the differences in the degree of spatial complexity, functional and imaginative content of the complexes built in Sochi and Krasnodar, the nature of their integration into the historical environment of cities, both objects are typical examples of their stylistic and typological group and are endowed with common recognizable features.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology
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