
Markeev V.1,Borkov P.1


1. Lipetsk State Technical University


The article discusses the main reasons for the physical wear and tear of metal crane beams of industrial buildings at hazardous production facilities. The analysis of the existing methods for determining the physical wear and the residual life of various structures, as well as regulatory and technical documentation, regulating the issue of conducting inspections of structures and the appointment of the technical condition of structures is carried out. The analysis of characteristic defects and damages of welded crane beams and an analysis of their influence on the bearing capacity is made. The dependence of the amount of physical wear and tear on the duration of operation of crane girders has been investigated. A method is proposed for determining the physical wear and tear of individual structures on the basis of their effect on the bearing capacity of the structure and their operational characteristics, based on the existing methods for determining the physical wear of structures of non-industrial buildings. A method is proposed for determining the residual life of metal structures by the Poisson method, depending on the degree of physical wear and the duration of operation. The use of this technique provides more accurately approach the determination of the residual life of building structures when conducting an industrial safety examination. Based on these data, it is more reasonable to approach the reconstruction, strengthening or overhaul of existing structures, as well as their complete or partial replacement.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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