
Shaptala V.1,Hukalenko E.1,Severin N.2,Gusev Y.2


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

2. Belgorodskiy yuridicheskiy institut im. I.D. Putilina


It is proposed to consider the device of an integrated ventilation system that combines local exhaust ventilation of welders' workplaces and general ventilation of premises as the main direction of normalizing the parameters of the air environment when performing arc welding. When organizing ventilation of welding rooms of limited dimensions, it is necessary to have the possible effect of drift flows. It increases as a result of the joint operation of exhaust devices. The effectiveness of devices for local exhaust ventilation of welding posts is analyzed. It depends on the space-planning solutions, the relative position of the supply and exhaust devices, as well as the peculiarities of performing technological operations. For a specific example of a welding room, an optimal variant of the organization of ventilation of welding stations is found. The fields of air mobility, its temperature and concentration of harmful impurities have been calculated by the computer modeling. The factors influencing its efficiency are revealed and the combinations of influencing factors providing the maximum permissible concentration of harmful emissions in the working zones of welders are established. The conditions have been determined under which the general exchange effect of local suction is sufficient to maintain the concentration in the room at the MPC level. The results obtained can be used to develop engineering methods for calculating and optimizing ventilation devices and systems, to analyze structural and design solutions for the ventilation of electric welding industries. Investigations of the processes of propagation of welding aerosols in the production area are carried out by means of experimental measurements, as well as computer simulation using the Ansys Fluent software hydrodynamic package.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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