1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
In the construction materials industry, twin-shaft paddle mixers are common in the preparation of both dry and plastic mixes. When the blade rotates in a mixed medium, a compacted zone of mixed components is formed immediately in front of its working surface. This compaction negatively affects the quality of the mixture preparation, characterized by the homogeneity of the resulting mixture. In order to influence the compacted area, to intensify the mixing process, cylindrical rods are installed in front of the working surface of the blade. A mathematical description of the process of dry mixing of two components in a horizontal paddle mixer is obtained. It allows, depending on the design and technological parameters that most affect this process, to calculate the concentration of the key com-ponent in a certain volume of the mixture, both when installing cylindrical rods in front of the working surface of the blade, and without rods. Studies of changes in the concentration of a key component for a mixer with rods have been carried out with varying values of its design and technological parame-ters. Regularities of the influence of design and technological parameters on the change in the con-centration of the key component in a certain volume of the mixture and their rational values have been determined for a mixer with rods. When comparing the values of the concentrations of the key compo-nent obtained using the mathematical description for mixtures prepared in mixers with and without rods, it was found that the mixer with rods allows you to obtain a mixture of higher quality with the concentration values of the key component closer to the ideal value.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology
Reference15 articles.
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2 articles.