1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
2. Belgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnologicheskiy universitet im. V.G. Shuhova
Lego technology is one of the modern construction solutions providing cost reduction, increasing architectural expressiveness and the pace of work. This is the development of groove-ridge positioning systems and connection of small-piece wall elements. Currently, the technology of Lego blocks is implemented on various types of building materials: ceramic and hyper-pressed non-fired bricks, blocks from various types of lightweight concrete, which have not found wide practical application due to an obvious shift in the balance of properties either towards aesthetics – brick, or thermal insulation - blocks. In this regard, a technology for producing multi-hollow thin-walled lego blocks based on self-compacting high-strength fine-grained concrete with various types of high-porous filling is proposed. In this paper, the compositions of high-strength concrete mixes for the manufacture of lego block frames are proposed. The main emphasis in the development is made on improving the manufacturability of their production and the maximum efficiency of using the clinker component. Overcoming the multicomponent problem is achieved by replacing traditional cement with a special all-in-one composite binder. Due to the unacceptability of traditional methods of dispersed reinforcement for producing thin-walled products from self-compacting fine-grained mixtures, it is proposed to carry out dispersed micro-reinforcement at the level of cement stone, for which a technology is developed and the optimal parameters of dispersion of glass and basalt fiber are determined. Thanks to this approach, reinforcing fibers are included in the composition of the composite binder itself, which ensures maximum manufacturability and an increase in compressive strength up to 20...25 %.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology
Reference23 articles.
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