
Shamanina A.1,Ayzenshtadt Arkadiy1,Kononova V.1,Danilov V.1


1. Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov


Rocks of various chemical and mineralogical composition are widely used as raw materials in the construction materials industry. At the same time, preliminary mechanical activation of mineral raw materials to a finely dispersed state contributes to a change in the energy potential of the system and affects the tendency of the surface of a finely dispersed system to transformations. Studies of the physicochemical activity of mechanically activated rocks allow to determine the rational areas of use of mineral components. The paper presents the results of evaluating the efficiency of mechanical activation of silica-containing raw materials by the values of surface activity (ks), defined as the ratio of the value of the free surface energy to the specific mass energy of atomization. Fine powders are obtained by grinding in a planetary ball mill to a different specific surface area of quartz sand (1200 – 3000 m2/kg) and polymineral sand (700 – 1335 m2/kg). The presence of a functional dependence of the surface activity on the time parameters of mechanical activation of the studied rocks is shown. The mechanical activation of the feedstock at the optimal time of its grinding makes it possible to achieve a given value of the surface activity. It is recommended to use the ks parameter as a criterion for assessing the efficiency of the process of mechanical activation of silica-containing rocks


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

Reference20 articles.

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