
Nazhuev M.1,Dzhamilova P.2,Bataeva F.1,Bakaev Z.1,Kukaev A.1,Osmanov A.1


1. Don State Technical University

2. Daghestan State Technical University


An increase in the volume of construction requires innovations in technological, structural and design solutions for reinforced concrete elements. As a result of the centrifugation method, variatropic concretes with different cross-sectional characteristics and structures made from them. Therefore, at the stages of calculation and design of building structures of a variatropic structure, an unreasonably large supply of bearing capacity is usually laid, leading to an impressive rise in the cost of promising building structures. It is proposed to combine centrifugation with vibration to increase the density and ensure a more uniform distribution of the components of the concrete mixture over the wall thickness of an annular section product, in particular columns. Vibration will be ensured through the use of clamps, which are put on the shafts of the installation. Within the framework of the proposed experimental setup for creating vibrocentrifuged samples of annular cross-section with a variatropic structure and a method for their manufacture, the technological parameters of vibration are identified, which have the most significant effect on the characteristics of vibrocentrifuged concrete. In the experiments, the following technological factors varied: the height of the technological protrusions of the clamps and the vibration mode. The problem of assessing the influence of these factors on the integral characteristics of concrete is investigated. The results of experimental studies of the influence of the considered technological factors on the integral characteristics of vibrocentrifuged concrete are presented. The results obtained show the feasibility of continuing the study of rational technological parameters of vibrocentrifugation to improve the characteristics of concrete and regulate its variatropy, which will allow the proposed method to be patented in the future and to design an improved vibrocentrifuged column with more fully utilized reserves of the bearing capacity of building structures.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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