1. Perkova M., Tsvetkova Y. Features of Sugar Mill Architectural and Industrial Heritage Preservation and Adjustment // Architecture and Modern Information Technologies. 2020. № 4(53). Pp. 135–151. DOI: 10.24411/1998-4839-2020-15308, Perkova M., Tsvetkova Y. Features of Sugar Mill Architectural and Industrial Heritage Preservation and Adjustment. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies. 2020. No. 4(53). Pp. 135–151. DOI: 10.24411/1998-4839-2020-15308
2. Перькова М.В. Градостроительное развитие региональной системы расселения и ее элементов (на примере Белгородской области) // Диссертация на соискание учетной степени доктора архитектуры / Санкт – Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет. Санкт – Петербург, 2019., Perkova M.V. Urban development of the regional settlement system and its elements (on the example of the Belgorod region) [Gradostroitel'noye razvitiye regional'noy sistemy rasseleniya i yeye elementov (na primere Belgorodskoy oblasti)]. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Architecture / St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Saint Petersburg, 2019. (rus)
3. Perkova M.V, Baklazhenko E.V., Vaytens A.G. A Method for Identifying and Resolving Conflicts in Urban Riverside Development // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. № 459(5). 052024. DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/459/5/052024, Perkova M V, Baklazhenko E V, Vaytens A G A Method for Identifying and Resolving Conflicts in Urban Riverside Development. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. No. 459(5), 052024. DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/459/5/052024
4. Perkova M., Zaikina A. Historical peculiarities of formation of small town of Shebekino structure // Architecture and Engineering. 2016. №1(3). Pp. 18–23. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2016-1-3-18-23, Perkova M., Zaikina A. Historical peculiarities of formation of small town of Shebekino structure. Architecture and Engineering. 2016. No.1(3). Pp. 18–23. DOI: 10.23968/2500-0055-2016-1-3-18-23
5. Булавский С.В., Семенцов С.В. Подходы к определению категории "объект культурного наследия" в Российском правовом поле // В сборнике: Охрана и реставрация памятников культурного наследия. материалы Всероссийской научно-теоретической конференции. 2018. С. 12–16., Bulavsky S.V., Sementsov S.V. Approaches to the definition of the category "object of cultural heritage" in the Russian legal field In the collection: Protection and restoration of cultural heritage monuments. [Podkhody k opredeleniyu kategorii "ob"yekt kul'turnogo naslediya" v Rossiyskom pravovom pole V sbornike: Okhrana i restavratsiya pamyatnikov kul'turnogo naslediya] materials of the All-Russian Scientific and theoretical Conference. 2018. Pp. 12–16. (rus)