
Seryh I.1,Chernyshova E.1,Degtyar A.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The reliability and durability of any structures, including in transportation, depend on operating conditions and on timely diagnostics of damages and defects arising during their normal operation. Proper diagnostics will allow to determine the degree of wear of the structures, as well as to identify causes of damages. This work will focus on industrial safety inspection, using railway bridge built in 1987 as an example. A comprehensive inspection included full technical examination of the bridge and all its structural elements. The outcome and all necessary repair recommendations are documented. Recommendations for reconstruction and restoration methods of the damaged elements and structures of the bridge are based on a scientifically accurate assessment of its technical condition to establish signs and causes of the damages. Based on the results of the comprehensive inspection of all the damages in the bridge structure, the technical condition of the bridge is assessed three points on a five-point scale. The identified failures in durability and safety are classified in the second category. The categories of defects found are mainly related to safety - B1, B2, durability - D2, D3, and repairability - P2, Р3.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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