
Zhdanova I.1,Kuznecova A.1,Mihaylina P.1


1. Samara State Technical University


The article focuses on the study of modern approaches in the typology of nursing homes. Global data on the increase in the share of older people in the total population are presented. In addition, Rosstat data confirm the relevance of studying this topic. Examples of foreign experience in designing and building homes for the elderly show the developed functional composition of the premises, along with the function of accommodation and care - health care, leisure, trade, sports, food and multifunctional spaces to ensure social interaction of different groups of the population. The research reveals a method of "functional improvement" aimed at developing optimal functional interactions between public and residential spaces. A concept project for a "dynamic" scheme has been developed, showing the inclusion of residential blocks in a multifunctional complex. The chosen functional organization allows the creation of private spaces for residents of retirement age and walking areas for visitors to the complex. It is determined that in Russia it is necessary to implement modern approaches adapted to Russian conditions, based on foreign experience. This will enhance the consumer quality of the facility and the comfort level of the elderly, which will undoubtedly provide social interaction through the introduction of educational and leisure functions, as well as improve the ecological and aesthetic qualities of the environment.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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