
Elistratova Y.1,Seminenko A.1,Minko V.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The article analyzes various theoretical approaches to describing the processes of formation of scale layers on the working surfaces of heat exchangers. The main tasks include analyzing existing models of contamination of heat exchange channels, determining the main mechanism of salt deposition on the heating surface of plate heat exchangers of heat supply systems, determining the main factors that determine the intensity of salt deposition on the working plate in accordance with the dynamics of heat and hydraulic processes in heat exchange channels formed by corrugated plates, as well as forming trends for further research. The article presents the main results of research devoted to the study of contamination processes on heating surfaces. Inaccuracies in the proposed approaches to describing the nature of the formation of salt deposition layers are identified. By generalizing existing approaches to the mathematical description of pollution processes, the main assumptions are revealed when describing the processes of salt deposition on working plates. A hypothesis is proposed about the influence of the location of channels relative to the inlet pipe on the uniformity of the flow distribution between parallel channels in the device. There is a fairly large gap between the existing computational methods for modeling pollution processes and the actual distribution of scale layers during the operation of heat exchange equipment of heat supply systems


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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