
Merkulov S.1,Akimov E.2


1. Kurskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet

2. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


The inability of using this type of reinforcement as a cross on the support sections of the bent elements is one of the reasons limiting the wide use of composite rod reinforcement. To ensure the strength of bent elements along inclined sections, it is proposed to bend the rods of the working longitudinal working reinforcement, and geometric parameters of bends for some types of composite reinforcement are proposed, depending on the diameter of the rod. To develop a method for calculating the strength of inclined sections, it is necessary to develop experimentally justified prerequisites that take into account the features of joint operation of composite rod reinforcement in inclined sections. The article offers a method for experimental study of the strength and crack resistance of reinforced concrete bending elements with non-metallic composite rod reinforcement, including the design of prototypes, the installation scheme of devices during testing. The developed method allows to determine the parameters of strength and crack resistance of inclined sections of bent elements. The tasks of experimental studies of concrete elements reinforced with composite rod reinforcement are to determine the regularity of changes in the stress-strain condition of concrete and composite reinforcement during loading, to determine the nature of the destruction of elements along the inclined section, to obtain data on the strength and crack resistance of elements.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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