
Aripov D.12,Kuznecov I.3,Salahutdinov M.4



2. Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

3. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy arhitekturno-stroitel'nyy universitet (KazGASU). Rossiya

4. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy arhitekturno-stroitel'nyy universitet (KazGASU).


The design experience shows that special attention should be paid to node connections of structural elements. The introduction of new node connections requires the development of methods for their calculation taking into account the properties, structure and behavior of materials under various loading conditions. Various studies are devoted to node connections of elements from pultruded GFRP at right angles. Analysis of the technical literature shows that compounds with forces acting at an angle are poorly studied and require additional numerical and experimental studies. The structural form adopted for the study is a frame structure elements of which are adjacent to the belts at various angles. The article considers various types of node connections of pultruded GFRP elements in a frame structure. When calculating the node connection of pultruded GFRP elements the following material features are taking into account: nonlinearity of elastic deformations, uniformity and characteristics of each component separately. The paper presents a comparison of calculations by domestic and foreign techniques. It is established that taking into account the material features leads to material savings, while providing the required strength and deformability


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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