
Egorova A.1,Popov A.1,Zarovnyaev P.1,Duyukov T.1


1. M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University


The paper substantiates the effectiveness and prospects of research in the direction of micro-reinforcement of cellular materials with mineral fibers. Due to the dependence of the quality of foam concrete on the quality of the applied foam, the paper considers micro-reinforcement of foam as a technique that increases its quality indicators. Thus, the influence of chrysotile-asbestos additives in the form of fiber mixtures of various fractional composition on the physical and mechanical properties of foams is considered. Chrysotile-asbestos mixtures are thin fibers and strands that predict their uniform distribution over the matrix of building composites, improving their structural stability and increasing strength characteristics. The article examines the influence of the concentration and fractional composition of chrysotile asbestos on the multiplicity and stability of foams. The features of syneresis and structure of micro-reinforced chrysotile-asbestos foams are also shown. It is shown that the microreinforcement of foam by chrysotile-asbestos fibers increases their structural durability, slowing down the system's syneresis and preventing the deposition of the foam column, but reduces its aeration degree relative to the foaming agent solution. Also, microreinforcement increases the durability of foam in a mortar, characterized by the preservation of foam of the original volume in the composition of the cement mixture. The article substantiates the choice of the most effective mix of chrysotile asbestos and its dosage for increasing the properties of foam.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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