
Monastyrskaya M.1,Peslyak O.2


1. Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction

2. Sait-Peterburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engeneering


The article substantiates the relevance and expediency of studying the sphere of urban planning of large urbanized territories of the Northern European countries, especially Finland. Suomi is a country adjacent to the geostrategic territories of Russia - the North-Western economic district, the Leningrad oblast and the Federal city of Saint Petersburg. The high efficiency of its urban planning system is recognized and proven by the international community. The article presents the results of a study of the process of formation and development of the urban planning system of regions, subregions and municipalities in Finland on the paradigm, institutional and technological aspects. It is shown that the urban planning of Suomi accumulates the most important directions of urban regulation that ensure the mutually dependent and often combined development of legally differentiated types of urban planning systems: agglomerations, metropolitan areas and regions, urbanized regions. These directions include preparation, adoption and implementation of hierarchically subordinate recommendation and/or mandatory planning and forecast and project documentation, monitoring of the results of its implementation, management of the processes of emergence, development and functioning of integrated forms of urban settlement. The results of the study can serve to improve the urban planning system of large urbanized territories of the North-West of Russia and, thereby, contribute to the full implementation of the agglomeration trend of the spatial development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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