
Yadykina V.1,Mihaylova O.1


1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov


Obtaining warm asphalt concrete mixes is an urgent task in the road industry, as it allows solving environmental, technological and economic problems of preparing and laying asphalt concrete. One of such technologies is the production of asphalt concrete using organic additives based on synthetic waxes, which until recently were presented on the market exclusively with imported products. In the current political and economic situation, the relevance of the development and implementation of domestic analogues of wax temperature-lowering additives becomes an important task. The article studies the effect of additives based on synthetic waxes on such physico-chemical properties of bitumen binder as penetration, softening temperature, extensibility, fragility temperature by Fraas, adhesion to crushed stone. The indicators and comparative analysis of the properties of binders modified by the domestic complex additive Viskodor PV-2 and imported organic additives Licomont BS-100 and Sasobit are given. It was revealed that the new domestic complex additive has advantages over imported wax additives: it allows to lower the brittleness temperature of the binder, increase the softening temperature, the adhesion of bitumen to mineral materials with a smaller decrease in penetration. Rational concentrations of the use of the additive Viskodor PV-2 have been established.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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