
Bobneva A.1


1. JSC "Petersburg roads"


The relevance of the research is defined by necessity to find a way of designing transport interchanges in densely built-up urban areas in the conditions of the constantly growing volume of traffic on urban highways. Current Russian regulations in road design industry significantly limit the minimum values of ramp design speed and as a consequence the minimum values of curve radii for loop ramp on transport interchanges. Setting of such values lead to abandon the number of ramps and to add some traffic lights. In this research, local and foreign regulations and scholarly articles are studied and an-alyzed. The required calculations of minimum values of curve radii for loop ramp and the values of curve widening are also performed. The main result of research is preliminary conclusions of the pos-sibility to decrease the minimum value of ramp design speed, subject to certain conditions. The strate-gy for changing limit values on transport interchanges is created in consideration of multifaceted ap-proach with the revaluation of the side friction factors, length of acceleration and deceleration lanes and a number of other parameters to ensure the road safety in densely built-up urban areas.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

Reference20 articles.

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