1. Belgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnologicheskiy universitet im. V.G. Shuhova
2. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
The possibility of using a technogenic product of the electrolytic production of aluminum (crushed electrodes) as a mineralizing additive during clinker burning is considered. The effectiveness of the action of the mineralizing effect of crushed electrodes and the classical mineralizer - calcium fluoride CaF2 is compared. The amount of mineralizers introduced during clinker burning is 1% according to the content of fluorine ion in the raw mixture. The effectiveness of the action of mineralizers is evaluated by determining the temperature range for the assimilation of calcium oxide into clinker minerals. Calcium oxide is completely assimilated by 1300 °C when calcium fluoride CaF2 is introduced into the raw mix. Introduction to the raw mixture of crushed electrodes contributes to the complete assimilation of calcium oxide to a temperature of 1250 °C. For additive-free clinker, complete assimilation of calcium oxide occurs at 1400°C. The assimilation of calcium oxide at lower temperatures in mixtures with the addition of calcium fluoride and crushed electrodes allows to reduce the burning temperature of the clinker to 1350 °C without losing the quality of the resulting clinker. Reducing the clinker burning temperature when using mineralizers will reduce the specific consumption of conventional fuel by about 6 kg per ton of clinker.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology
Reference20 articles.
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