
Radaikin O.1,Sabitov L.1,Klyuev Sergey2,Hassoun M.3,Arakcheev T.4,Darvish A.1


1. Kazan State Energy University

2. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

3. Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

4. LLC «GC «EPC-Garant»


Earlier, authors considered the under-examined question of accuracy (error) in the theory of the diagram method for calculating reinforced concrete core elements. The notion of convergence of the numerical implementation of the method under consideration is closely related to it, which has so far remained undisclosed. The article presents a theoretical justification of the convergence criterion of a numerical diagram method for calculating the strength of reinforced concrete bendable elements. The resulting criterion coincides in form with the Chebyshev norm. It implies a criterion for stopping the iterative calculation process and an estimate of the error of the numerical diagram method. Using the example of a reinforced concrete element with a rectangular cross section and double reinforcement, the issue of convergence of iterative strength calculation with varying concrete class and percentage of reinforcement is investigated. It is established that for all the considered design variants, the iterative calculation process converges after the 6th iteration at the initial curvature approximation and after the 4th iteration at , with a relative calculation error of δ<1 %. In addition, it is found that with an increase in the percentage of reinforcement, the convergence of the calculation improves: with the number of iterations equal to 4, the error in the design variant B60, µ = 0.5 % is 10.3 %, and with B35, µ = 3.0 %–0.98 %.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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