
Vasilkin A.1,Zubkov G.1


1. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


The article sets and solves the problem of finding the minimum weight of the canopy structure under the specified design scheme and loading conditions. At the same time, two variants of the design scheme are considered – with a canopy length of 3 and 6 m. The metal consumption of the structure is accepted as the criterion of optimality. The shape of the cross-section of the beam, the strength characteristics of the structural material and the geometric parameters of the structure are selected as variable parameters. The problem is solved by numerical method, for this purpose, by methods of structural mechanics, the forces in the structural elements, displacements and deflections of the beam and suspension are determined, then the obtained formal conditions of strength and stiffness are included in the algorithm on the basis of which a program is developed in one of the programming languages. In fact, the article solves the optimization problem according to the optimality criterion in the form of the cost of the structure, with limitations in the form of overall dimensions and conditions of strength and rigidity. This method will allow to quickly determine the stress of the structure, with a given design scheme, for any size, load and type of elements used. This approach can be considered as one of the applications of the BIM methodology, that is, to automate the process of designing a specific structure and can be used in practical work. It allows to significantly save time designing to find the optimal solution


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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