1. Belgorod National Research University
2. Belgorod State National Research University
A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the deflocculating effect of Russian and international polycarboxylate ethers additives on the rheological properties of high-alumina matrix suspensions is presented in this article. For the production of functional matrix systems, submicron activated α-alumina and modified high alumina cement are used in the ratio of 80:20 and 90:10 wt. %, respec-tively. A fluidity of matrix suspensions with a moisture content of 20% is carried out to assess the pres-ence of different deflocculants concentrations. All grades are manifested by rather high deflocculating effects in identifying high-alumina matrix suspensions. The best fluidity is recorded for matrix suspen-sions deflocculated with Cinteflow DUO 60 (0.38 %). A large influence on the expiration time is noted. Probability of thickening of matrix suspensions within 30 min. illumination is largely determined by the type and influence of the introduced deflocculants. The effect of deflocculating polycarboxylate ethers on spreadability has been studied. For certain casting mixtures with a moisture content of 12 %, the maximum diluting effect of using Sinteflow DM 50 (0.34 %). Deflocculants based on polycar-boxylate ethers produced by the Sintez OKA Group of Companies (Russia) show impressive efficiency compared to the complex deflocculant Peramin AL 200 and Peramin AL 300 (Kerneos, France).
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology
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