
Gaynetdinov R.1,Gimranov L.2,Sibgatullin M.1


1. Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

2. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy arhitekturno-stroitel'nyy universitet


The article discusses a new nodal connection of thin-walled and cold-formed profiles with a trapezoidal part of the wall using a through stop bushing. The use of this constructive solution allows to place additional bolts in the area of the concave part of the wall of a thin-walled profile, thereby including this area in work. It is noted that the invention in comparison with analogs allows to simplify the assembly process of the node by fixing the position of the sleeve when using a broadened part on one side of the gusset. At the same time, in order to effectively resist the loss of local stability of the wall of a thin-walled and cold-formed profile, it is proposed to arrange adjacent bushings with sides in the opposite direction. Issues of deformability of the wall of a thin-walled and cold-formed profile are studied when additional rows of bolts are installed in the trapezoidal part of the wall due to the developed design solutions: using a through bushing, a through bushing with a stop and in the absence of bolts in the area of the trapezoidal part. The paper presents the results of displacements of the wall under the influence of a compressive load with different variations of bolted nodal joints. A comparative assessment of the efficiency of nodal connections from the point of view of resistance to loss of local stability has been carried out. In result, it is revealed that a bolted nodal connection with the installation of additional bolts in a part of a trapezoidal wall, due to the use of a through bushing, can reduce deformability by 15% and by 33% when using a through bushing with an emphasis in relation to a connection with a two-row bolting


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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