
Zatonsky A.1,Kuchev D.1,Brylyakov A.1


1. Perm National Research Polytechnic University


The high accident rate of pipeline transport of thermal networks and the oil and gas industry poses a great danger to the environment due to the lack of timely control of the inner tube surface, including sections of complex geometry. These include bends, inclined-vertical sections, sections with variable diameter cross-section. The methods of moving in-line diagnostic equipment using robotic devices are given. The problem of the lack of methods for constructing in-line robotic devices that would allow to build a correct sequence of design stages is considered. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for constructing and modeling an in-tube robotic complex for diagnosing pipelines of complex geometry, followed by theoretical and experimental confirmation of its applicability. The object of research is the design of an in-tube robotic complex, the subject of research are methods, algorithms, three-dimensional models for diagnosing pipelines of complex geometry. As a result, a technique for constructing an in-tube robotic complex for diagnosing pipelines of complex geometry was developed. The results of geometric analysis were obtained, where the design parameters with a conical-cylindrical shape with dimensions L3=555 mm, Hmax=172 mm, Hmin=116 mm allow to achieve a working volume for the arrangement of elements 23.4–36 % higher, in comparison with the classic design of the body shape. The modeling of the design of an in-tube robotic complex using an automated system is presented. Modeling and experimental movement of the structure in various pipeline diameters is performed in a section of complex geometry with a rotation angle of 90° and 180°, a rotation radius of 1.5D and a diameter of 200 mm, as well as a vertical section, the stress-strain state of the structure of the support non-drive support leg is calculated.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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