1. Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
2. V.M. Gorbatov Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences
The effectiveness of using aluminosilicate fillers as components in composite binders, providing a significant increase in strength up to 55.4-95.7% is shown. The study of the microstructure of cement stones of binder compositions indicates a uniform distribution of aluminosilicate filler in the formed stone, dense fouling of the filler surfaces with crystalline new formations is noted, which indicates the active occurrence of hydration processes and an increase in the strength of the samples. Studies of the plasticizing properties of organic additives have established the effective dosage and type of additive. The features of hydration processes were studied according to the kinetics of heat release of composite binders prepared using various mineral fillers: broken ceramic bricks, volcanic ash and expanded clay dust and the most effective organic additive. It has been revealed that when modifying binder compositions prepared using various mineral fillers: volcanic ash, broken ceramic bricks and expanded clay dust, organic additives of biological origin. The most effective is the additive synthesized from cattle blood, which provides the best plasticizing effect and an increase in compressive strength in 2…..2.5 times relative to non-additive Portland cement. It has been established that the kinetics of heat release of composite binders with various mineral fillers: broken ceramic bricks; volcanic ash and expanded clay dust has its own specific characteristics, determined by the chemical and mineralogical composition of the mineral additives used. It should be noted that the composite binder using ceramic bricks exhibits the greatest chemical activity, which makes it possible to recommend this binder for wide use
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
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