
Svechkar E.1


1. Southern Federal University


The object of the study is youth leisure facilities as an important element of infrastructure for youth leisure activities. The analysis of existing examples of youth leisure institutions and the specifics of the organization of youth activities is carried out, the relationship between the activities and the formation of the architectural space of a youth leisure institution is indicated. The main institutions that can be attributed to the architecture of youth leisure are highlighted. Their uniqueness in terms of the organization of the spatial planning structure is noted, and based on some common features, the main architectural principles of the formation of young-married leisure institutions are highlighted. The classification of principles is carried out in accordance with their features, the techniques and approaches used to implement a certain principle. The main highlighted principles include the principle of accessibility (remote, physical, visual, economic); sustainable development (technical, planning, ethetic aspects); multifunctionality (redundancy, universality of space and multifunctionality of the institution), attractiveness (visual, structural planning, urban planning), social targeting, adaptability (architectural planning and technical techniques for the implementation of the principle). The mutual influence of the principles on each other is analyzed. Examples of possible ways to implement the principles in practice are given, as well as existing architectural objects using these principles. Techniques and means for achieving the implementation of some principles in practice are highlighted


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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