
Valiev A.1,Starovoitova I.2,Suleymanov A.3


1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy arhitekturno-stroitel'nyy universitet

2. LCC «Rekon»

3. Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering


Improvement of stiffness characteristics of polymer composites is conditioned by the development of hybrid composites (containing more than one type of reinforcing continuous fiber) with the provision of effective stress transfer from fibers to binder through the interface. The study of mechanisms of formation of adhesion interaction in hybrid polymer composite consists in purposeful change of energy characteristics of phases in order to achieve the optimal level of adhesion, affecting the strength of composites while providing technological and other factors, predicting their durability. In this work the relationship between the energy characteristics of phases and the strength of hybrid polymer composite was investigated. Microphotographs of wetting of fibers of different nature by liquids were obtained by the optical method, by which the edge angles of wetting were determined, tests were carried out to determine the bending strength of polymer composites. A method for predicting the flexural strength of hybrid polymer composites made by vacuum infusion method has been proposed and experimentally confirmed, which consists in linking the adhesive interaction of components, structural components and flexural strength by determining the change in their energy characteristics of the filler by wetting method.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

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